The mix of POH toothbrush handle colors change. On a whim. All gorgeous, though.
One thing you may not know about POH toothbrushes is that a long time ago POH decided that renewable polymers were the way to go.
POH toothbrushes are made with a cellulosic polymer. POH Premium translucent toothbrushes are made from renewable softwood materials, a substantial portion of which are derived from suppliers conforming to certified sustainable forestry management practices. These types of polymers are often called natural polymers, and they exemplify POH’s efforts to provide patients with an innovative, sustainable solution. Cellulosics process at lower temperatures with faster drying times than competitive materials, improving energy consumption without forgoing performance or quality. Plus, one third of each handle is recycled polymer!
Based on our knowledge of the raw materials and manufacturing processes, we have no reason to expect any of these named below substances to be present in the final product or to be formed during manufacturing or under normal handling, storage and use conditions:
- Phthalates
- Polyvinylchloride (PVC)
- PAH’s (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons)
These substances are not used as a raw material, nor are they added to the manufacturing process or the end product. We have no reason to expect that the listed substances would be present in this product.
The POH toothbrush handles also do not have “bovine products”, “animal-derived products”, substances that deplete the ozone layer or volatile organic compounds.
Makes you glad, doesn’t it?
Cut to the chase and help me clean and keep my teeth!
POH is offering the same kit used by Preventive Dentists for over fifty years to teach THEIR patients how to avoid cavities and gum disease!